1. E. S. Utenov, Subsoil Analysis of Renovated buildings, KarSTU, Karaganda (2013).
2. B. I. Dalmatov, Soil Mechanics, Subsoils and Foundations, Stroiizdat, Leningrad (1988).
3. A. B. Fadeev, P. I. Repina, and E. K. Abdyldaev, Finite Element Method for Solving Geotechnical Problems and the Geomechanics Software, LISI, Leningrad (1982).
4. SNiP RK 5.01.012002. Construction Norms and Rules. Subsoils of Buildings and Structures.
5. Construction Code 50-101-2004. Design and Erection of Subsoils and Foundations.