Is Health of the Aging Improved by Conditional Cash Transfer Programs? Evidence From Mexico


Behrman Jere R.1,Parker Susan W.2


1. Economics Department, McNeil 160, University of Pennsylvania, 3718 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297, USA

2. Division of Economics, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), Carretera Mexico-Toluca No. 3655, 01210 Mexico, DF, Mexico


Abstract Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs link public transfers to human capital investment in the hopes of alleviating current poverty and reducing its intergenerational transmission. Whereas nearly all studies of their effects have focused on youth, CCT programs may also have an impact on aging adults by increasing household resources or inducing changes in allocations of time of household members, which may be of substantial interest, particularly given the rapid aging of most populations. This article contributes to this underresearched area by examining health and work impacts on the aging for the best-known and most influential of these programs, the Mexican PROGRESA/Oportunidades program. For a number of health indicators, the program appears to significantly improve health, with larger effects for recipients with a greater time receiving benefits from the program. Most of these health effects are concentrated on women.


Duke University Press



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