1. D. Iagolnitzer,The S-Matrix (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978).
2. G. F. Chew,Physics Today 23, 23 (1970).
3. G. F. Chew, preprint LBL-14028 (1982), to be published inPhys. Rev. D. (1983).
4. G. Veneziano,Nucl. Phys. B74, 365 (1974);Physics Letters 52B, 220 (1974); G. F. Chew and C. Rosenzweig,Physics Reports 41C (5), 265 (1978).
5. R. Penrose,Quantum Gravity, Isham, Penrose, and Sciama, eds. (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1975).