Enumeration of Some Classes of Pattern Avoiding Matchings, with a Glimpse into the Matching Pattern Poset


Cervetti Matteo,Ferrari LucaORCID


AbstractA matching of the set $$[2n]=\{1,2,\ldots ,2n\}$$ [ 2 n ] = { 1 , 2 , , 2 n } is a partition of [2n] into blocks with two elements, i.e. a graph on [2n], such that every vertex has degree one. Given two matchings $$\sigma $$ σ and $$\tau $$ τ , we say that $$\sigma $$ σ is a $$pattern $$ pattern of $$\tau $$ τ when $$\sigma $$ σ can be obtained from $$\tau $$ τ by deleting some of its edges and consistently relabelling the remaining vertices. This is a partial order relation turning the set of all matchings into a poset, which will be called the matching pattern poset. In this paper, we continue the study of classes of pattern avoiding matchings (see below for previous work on this subject). In particular, we work out explicit formulas to enumerate the class of matchings avoiding two new patterns, obtained by juxtaposition of smaller patterns, and we describe a recursive formula for the generating function of the class of matchings avoiding the lifting of a pattern and two additional patterns. Moreover, we introduce the notion of unlabeled pattern, as a combinatorial way to collect patterns, and we provide enumerative formulas for two classes of matchings avoiding an unlabeled pattern of order three. In one case, the enumeration follows from an interesting bijection between the matchings of the class and ternary trees. The last part of the paper initiates the study of the matching pattern poset, by providing some preliminary results about its Möbius functions and the structure of some simple intervals.


Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “Francesco Severi”


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics

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1. Schur-positivity of short chords in matchings;Algebraic Combinatorics;2024-06-27








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