1. Aftonbladet (1991), “Låt alla äga sin bostad!” (Let everyone own their dwelling), Editorial October 15, 1991.
2. Boelhouwer, P., and J. van Weesep (1988), “The Sale of Public Housing and the Social Structure of Neighborhoods”,Built Environment (14) No. 3/4, pp. 145–154.
3. Dahlgren, S., N-G. Lundgren, and O. Siksiö (1987),Forskning om boendepreferenser—två kunskapsöversikter (Research on housing preferences— two literature reviews), Gävle: Statens institut för byggnadsforskning SB:4.
4. Demoskop (1992),Från att hyra till att äga med bostadsrätt (From renting to owning with others in a cooperative), report of an opinion poll commissioned by the public housing corporations in Stockholm and carried out by Demoskop during May–June.
5. DOE (1986), Department of the Environment,English House Condition Survey, London: HMS Office.