1. Comte is the first sociologist to take the problem of structure of the disciplines.A. Comte,Cours de philosophie positive, tome 1, 1830; 5e ed., Paris, Schleicher Fréres, 1907. More recently, Kuhn pointed out the importance of this problem.T. S. Kuhn,The Essential Tension, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1977.
2. L.L. Hargens, Migration patterns of U.S. Ph.D.s among disciplines and specialties,Scientometrics, 9 (1986) 145–164.
3. A. Biglan, The characteristics of subject matter in different academic areas,Journal of Applied Psychology, 57 (1973) 195–203.
4. H.G. Small, Co-citation in the scientific literature: A new measure of the relationship between two documents,Journal of American Society for Information Science, 24 (1973), 265–269.
5. W.O. Hagstrom,The Scientific Community, New York, Basic Books, 1965.