1. A. Koch, H. Voges, P. Andresen, H. Schlüter, D. Wolff, W. Hentschel, W. Oppermann, E. Rothe: Planar imaging of a laboratory flame and of internal combustion in an automobile engine using UV Rayleigh and fluorescence light. Appl. Phys. B (1991), (accepted for publication)
2. J.A. Wehrmeyer, T.S. Cheng, R.W. Pitz: Raman scattering measurements in flames unsing a tunable KrF excimer laser. Appl. Opt. 29, 2325?2332 (1990)
3. P. Andresen, G. Meijer, H. Schlüter, H. Voges, A. Koch, W. Hentschel, W. Oppermann, E. Rothe: Fluorescence imaging inside an internal combustion engine using tunable excimer lasers. Appl. Opt. 29, 2392 (1990)
4. P. Andresen, H. Schlüter, D. Wolff, H. Voges, A. Koch, W. Hentschel, W. Oppermann, E. Rothe: Identification and imaging of OH (v?=0) and O2 (v?=6 or 7) in an automobile engine using a tunable KrF excimer laser. Appl. Opt. (1991), (submitted)
5. A. Chryssostomou, H. Voges, W. Reckers, P. Andresen, K.A. Bütefisch, P. Krogmann, H. Wolfrum: Erprobung laserdiagnostischer Meßverfahren an Überschallströmungen im Rohrwindkanal der DLR in Göttingen. LLG-report 1/90/340 (1990)