1. V.K. Sikka:Mater. Manufact. Proc., 1989, vol. 4 (I), pp. 1–24.
2. W.O. Alexander and N.B. Vaughan:J. Inst. Met., 1937, vol. 61, pp. 247–63.
3. J. Schramm:Z. Metallkd., 1941, vol. 33, p. 374.
4. J.D. Verhoeven: Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA, private communication, 1989; see also F.J. Bremer, M. Beyss, E. Karthaus, A. Hellwig, T. Schober, J.-M. Welter, and H. Wenzel:J. Cryst. Growth, 1988, vol. 87, pp. 185–92.
5. M.C. Flemings:Solidification Processing, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1975.