1. G. F. Tikhonov and V. K. Sorokin, Transactions of the Fourth Scientific-Technical Conference on Powder Metallurgy [in Russian], Moscow (1962), p. 124.
2. B. A. Borok, R. P. Shchegoleva, L. S. Golubeva, et al., Powder Metallurgy, Collection of Papers to the Eighth All-Union Conference on Advanced Techniques of Production of Parts from Powders [in Russian], Minsk (1966), p. 344.
3. M. E. Belitskii, B. G. Ivanov, and B. V. Aryanin, Poroshkovaya Met., No. 5 (1966).
4. I. M. Fedorchenko and R. A. Andrievskii, Principles of Powder Metallurgy [in Russian], Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, Kiev (1963).
5. P. R. Marshall, Symposium on Powder Metallurgy, 1954, London (1956), p. 181.