1. E. Recami andR. Mignani:Riv. Nuovo Cimenlo,4, 209 (1974), and references therein.
2. V. Berestetsky, E. M. Lifshitz andP. Pitaevsky:Relativistic Quantum Theory (London, 1971), pag. 34.
3. J. J. Sakuray:Invariance Principles and Elementary Particles (Princeton, N.J., 1964), pag. 137.
4. R. F. Streater andA. S. Wightman:PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That (New York, N.Y., 1964).
5. E. Mignani andE. Recami: preprint PP/392 (Catania, 1973), to be published inInt. Journ. Theor. Phys.