1. Kostenko, V.A. and Gur'yanov, E.S., An Algorithm for Scheduling Exchanges over a Bus with Centralized Control, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing, Simferopol, 2004, Crimea Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
2. GOST (State Standard) 26765.52-87: Serial Backbone Interface for Systems of Electronic Modules.
3. Tanaev, V.S. and Shkurba, V.V., Vvedenie v teoriyu raspisanii (Introduction to Scheduling Theory), Moscow: Nauka, 1975.
4. Conway, R., Maxwell, W., and Miller, L., Theory of Scheduling, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1967 (Translated under the title Teoriya raspisanii, Mocow: Nauka, 1975).
5. Computer and Job-Shop Scheduling Theory, Coffman, E.G., Jr., Ed., New York: Wiley, 1976. Translated under the title Teoriya raspisanii i vychislitel'nye mashiny, Moscow: Nauka, 1984.