Asymptotics, Trace, and Density Results for Weighted Dirichlet Spaces Defined on the Half-line


Capone ClaudiaORCID,Kałamajska AgnieszkaORCID


AbstractWe give an analytic description for the completion of $$C_0^\infty (\mathbb {R}_+)$$ C 0 ( R + ) , where $$\mathbb {R}_+= (0,\infty )$$ R + = ( 0 , ) , in Dirichlet space $$D^{1,p}(\mathbb {R}_+, \omega ):= \{ u \, :\mathbb {R}_+\rightarrow {{\mathbb {R}}}: u\ $$ D 1 , p ( R + , ω ) : = { u : R + R : u is locally absolutely continuous on $$\mathbb {R}_+\, and \, \Vert u^{'}\Vert _{L^p(\mathbb {R}_+, \omega )}<\infty \}$$ R + a n d u L p ( R + , ω ) < } , for given continuous positive weight $$\omega $$ ω defined on $$\mathbb {R}_+$$ R + , where $$1<p<\infty $$ 1 < p < . The conditions are described in terms of the modified variants of the $$B_p$$ B p conditions due to Kufner and Opic from 1984, which in our approach are focusing on the integrability of $$\omega ^{-p/(p-1)}$$ ω - p / ( p - 1 ) near zero or near infinity. Moreover, we propose applications of our results to: obtaining new variants of Hardy inequality, interpretation of boundary value problems in ODE’s defined on the half-line with solutions in $$D^{1,p}(\mathbb {R}_+, \omega )$$ D 1 , p ( R + , ω ) , new results from complex interpolation theory dealing with interpolation spaces between weighted Dirichlet spaces, and for deriving new Morrey type embedding theorems for our Dirichlet space.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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