1. Bilsborrow, R.E., 1987. Population pressures and agricultural development in developing countries: a conceptual framework and recent evidence. World Development, 15(2): 183–203.
2. Bilsborrow, R.E., Standing, G. and Oberai, A., 1984. Migration surveys in low-income countries: guidelines for survey and questionnaire design. Croom Helm (for the International Labour Office), London.
3. Bilsborrow, R.E. and Stupp, P.W., 1987. Demographic Effects on Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: an Assessment of the Literature. FAO/ILO, Rome.
4. Bilsborrow, R.E. and Stupp, P.W., 1988. The effects of population growth on agriculture in Guatemala. Carolina Population Center Papers, No. 88–24, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC; also presented at PAA, 1989.
5. Bilsborrow, R.E. and DeLargy, P.F., 1991. Land use, migration and natural resource deterioration in the Third World: the cases of Guatemala and Sudan. Forthcoming in Population and Development Review.