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2. New York State Department of Health, New York State Public Health Law, section 225, part 16. http://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/radiological/radon/radioactive_material_licensing/docs/part16.pdf . Accessed 06 March 2012
3. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (2009) 7 AAC 18. Radiation sources and radiation protection. http://hss.state.ak.us/apps/publicnotice/RegulationDetails.aspx?Regulation=294e103b-3d55-48c0-8ae3-3c91f639e372 . Accessed 09 February 2013
4. Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (2010) Arizona administrative code, Title XII natural resources, chapter 1: radiation regulation agency. http://www.azsos.gov/public_services/Title_12/12-01.pdf . Accessed 10 February 2013
5. Arkansas State Board of Health (2012) Rules and regulations for control of ionizing radiation. http://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/aboutadh/rulesregs/ionizingradiation.pdf . Accessed 10 February 2013