New dimensions in geometry


Manin Yu. I.


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference38 articles.

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1. Chapter IV: Euclidean Lattices, Theta Invariants, and Thermodynamic Formalism;Lecture Notes in Mathematics;2020-09-05

2. Canonical Kähler metrics and arithmetics: Generalizing Faltings heights;Kyoto Journal of Mathematics;2018-06-01

3. On cubic equations over p-adic fields;International Journal of Number Theory;2014-07-15

4. Spherical Hall Algebra of $$\overline{\text{Spec }(\mathbb{Z})}$$;Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana;2014

5. Solvability of cubic equations in p-ADIC integers (p > 3);Siberian Mathematical Journal;2013-05







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