1. Stickney, C. W., “How to Identify Fire Causes,” Firemen, Vol. 27, Nos. 9-11 (September-November 1960).
2. Carroll, J. R., Physical and Technical Aspects of Fire Investigation, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois (1979), pp. 151–152.
3. Ettling, Bruce V., “Electrical Wiring in Building Fires,” Fire Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4 (November 1978), pp. 317–325.
4. Levinson, David W., “Copper Metallurgy as a Diagnostic Tool for Analysis of the Origin of Building Fires”, Fire Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3 (August 1977), pp. 211–222.
5. Meese, W. J., and Beausoliel, R. W., “Exploratory Study of Glowing Connections,” NBS Science Series 103, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, 1977.