1. BICA, Francine, Eletrotutor III: Uma abordagem multiagente para o Ensino a distância. Porto Alegre: CPGCC daUFRGS, 1999. Master Dissertation (Portuguese).
2. BELLIFEMINE, Fabio, POGGI, Agostino, RIMASSA, Giovanni. JADE — A FIPA-compliant agent framework CSELT internal technical report. Part of this report has been also published in: Proceedings of PAAM’99, London, April 1999, pagg. 97–108.
3. BRADSHAW, J. M. An introduction to software agents In: BRADSHAW, HJ. M. Ed. Software Agents. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1997.
4. Centre for Curriculum, Transfer & Technology. Online educational delivery applications. Disponível em: <
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5. CHEIKES, B. A. GIA: Agent Based Architecture for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: THE CIKM WORKSHOP ON INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AGENTS, 1995. Proceedings... [S.l.: s.n],1995