1. The early, well-written, treateses on special relativity stressed explicitly its restricted applicability to massive points (see,e.g., the title of Chapt. VI olP. G. Bergmann:Introduction io Special Relativity (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1912))
2. E. Fermi:Nuclear Physics (Chicago, I11., 1949), p. 111.
3. R. M. Santilli:Hadronic J.,1, 574 (1978).
4. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Lie-admissible Formulations, Parts A and B,Hadronic J.,3, (1979);
5. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Lie-admissible Formulations, Parts A, B and C,Hadronic J.,4 (1980); see also theProceedings of the First International Conference on Nonpotential Interactions and Their Lie-admissible treatment, Parts A, B, C and D,Hadronic J.,5 (1982).