AbstractMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a key algorithm in computational statistics, and as datasets grow larger and models grow more complex, many popular MCMC algorithms become too computationally expensive to be practical. Recent progress has been made on this problem through development of MCMC algorithms based on Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes (PDMPs), irreversible processes which can be engineered to converge at a rate which is independent of the size of the dataset. While there has understandably been a surge of theoretical studies following these results, PDMPs have so far only been implemented for models where certain gradients can be bounded in closed form, which is not possible in many relevant statistical problems. Furthermore, there has been substantionally less focus on practical implementation, or the efficiency of PDMP dynamics in exploring challenging densities. Focusing on the Zig-Zag process, we present the Numerical Zig-Zag (NuZZ) algorithm, which is applicable to general statistical models without the need for bounds on the gradient of the log posterior. This allows us to perform numerical experiments on: (i) how the Zig-Zag dynamics behaves on some test problems with common challenging features; and (ii) how the error between the target and sampled distributions evolves as a function of computational effort for different MCMC algorithms including NuZZ. Moreover, due to the specifics of the NuZZ algorithms, we are able to give an explicit bound on the Wasserstein distance between the exact posterior and its numerically perturbed counterpart in terms of the user-specified numerical tolerances of NuZZ.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Alan Turing Institute
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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