1. Baker, H. D., Ryder, E. A., andBaker, E. H., Temperature Measurements in Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1966).
2. Moffatt, R. J., “Gas Temperature Measurement,” Measurement Engineering, I,Ch. 19, P. K. Stein, ed.
3. Moffatt, E. M., “Multiple Shielded High Temperature Probes: Comparison of Experimental and Calculated Errors,” SAE, T-13 (January, 1952).
4. Scadron, M. D., and Warshawsky, I., “Experimental Determination of Time Constants and Nusselt Numbers for Bare-Wire Thermocouples in High-Velocity Air Streams and Analytical Approximation of Conduction and Radiation Errors,” NACA Technical Note 2599, Washington, D. C. (January 1952).
5. Glawe, G. E., Simmons, F. S., and Stickney, T. M., “Radiation and Recovery Corrections and Time Constants of Several Chromel-Alumel Thermocouple Probes in High-Temperature, High-Velocity Gas Streams,” NACA Technical Note 3766, Washington, D. C. (October, 1956).