1. Yu. M. Berezanskii, Expansions in Eigenfunctions of Self-adjoint Operators [in Russian], Izd. Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1965).
2. A.S. Wightman, Quelques problémes mathématiques de la théorie quantique-relativiste, Colloques internationaux an Lille, Juin 1957, Paris, 1?38 (1959).
3. R.F. Streaters and A. S. Wightman, PCT, Spin and Statistics and All That, New York, Amsterdam (1964).
4. Yu.M. Berezanskii, A generalization, of the power problem of moments, DAN SSSR,172, No. 3 (1966).
5. Yu.M. Berezanskii, Self-adjointness of field operators and integral representations of Wightman-type functionals, UMZh,18, No. 3, 3?12 (1966).