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2. W.A Frad, “Carbides,”USAEC Rep. IS-722, 21–22 (1963). (Equi Diagram; Review)
3. C. Willhelm, “Preventing Corrosion by Liquid Metals,”Mater. Des. Eng., 58,97–99 (1963). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
4. J.F. Nejedlik and E.J. Vargo, “Material Resistance to Hg Corro- sion,”Electrochem. Technol, 3(9), 250–258 (1965). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
5. R. Geyer and L. Geissler, “Polarographic Behaviour of Acetylen on Hg Drop Electrode,”Z. Chem., 6, 438–439 (1966) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)