1. Y. Marcus and A. S. Kertes,Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction of Metal Complexes Wiley-Interscience, London, 1969), Chap. 10.
2. A. S. Kertes, inRecent Advances in Liquid-Liquid Extraction, C. Hanson, ed., (Pergamon, Oxford, 1971), pp. 16?92.
3. V. S. Shmidt,Amine Extraction (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1970); English translation, IPST, Jerusalem, 1971.
4. A. S. Kertes and H. Gutmann, inSurface and Colloid Science, E. Matijevic, ed. (Interscience, New York), Vol. 8, in press.
5. J. David-Auslaender, M. Zangen, and A. S. Kertes,J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., in press.