1. ?Some proposals for dynamic toughness measurement,? in: Dynamic Fracture Toughness, Int. Conf. (London, July 1976), Vol. 1, p. 127, The Welding Inst., 1977.
2. Y. Sakai, K. Miya, I. Takahashi, and Y. Ando, Int. Pressure Vessel and Piping,22, 57, 79 (1986).
3. ASTM Standard E399-83, Appendix A7.
4. BS Method for Determination of the Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials, BS 6729 (1987).
5. Proposed Standard Methods of Test for Instrumented Impact Testing of Precracked Charpy Specimens of Metallic Materials, Recomendation ASTM E 24.03.03 (1980).