1. S. S. Dragomir and J. Sándor, On Bessel's and Gram's inequalities in prehilbertian spaces, Periodica Mat. Hungarica, to appear.
2. S. S. Dragomir and B. Mond, On the superadditivity and monotonicity of Schwarz's inequality in inner product spaces, submitted for publication.
3. W. N. Everitt, Inequalities for Gram determinants, Quart. J. Math. Oxford, 8 (1957), 191?196.
4. T. Furuta, An elementary proof of Hadamard theorem, Math. Vesnik, 8 (23) (1971). 267?269.
5. S. Kurepa, On the Buniakowski-Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, Math. Vesnik. 1 (21) (1966), 147?158.