1. CDC. Epidemiology and risk factors. [Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/leishmaniasis/epi.html].
2. WHO. Leishmaniasis [Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/leishmaniasis].
3. Boelaert M, Sundar S. 47 - Leishmaniasis. In: Farrar J, Hotez PJ, Junghanss T, Kang G, Lalloo D, White NJ, editors. Manson’s Tropical Infectious Diseases (Twenty-third Edition). London: W.B. Saunders; 2014. p. 631-51.e4.
4. •Organization PAHO. Manual of procedures for leishmaniases surveillance and control in the Americas 2019. [Available from: https://iris.paho.org/handle/10665.2/51838. This article gives a thorough explanation of the clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of leishmaniasis.
5. WHO. Status of endemicity of cutaneous leishmaniasis data by country [Available from: https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.NTDLEISHCEND?lang=en].