Preterm Birth and Hypertension: Is There a Link?


Bertagnolli Mariane,Luu Thuy Mai,Lewandowski Adam James,Leeson Paul,Nuyt Anne Monique


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Internal Medicine

Reference86 articles.

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3. Lewandowski AJ, Davis EF, Yu G, Digby JE, Boardman H, Whitworth P, et al. Elevated blood pressure in preterm-born offspring associates with a distinct antiangiogenic state and microvascular abnormalities in adult life. Hypertension. 2015;65(3):607–14. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04662 . Demonstration that preterm-born individuals exhibit an enhanced antiangiogenic state in adult life that is specifically related to elevations in blood pressure. The association seems to be mediated through capillary rarefaction and is independent of other cardiovascular structural and functional differences in the offspring. This study is among the first clinical study reporting anti-angiogenic factors in elevated blood pressure in subjects born preterm, which supports previous experimental studies.

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