1. 1830Rud: F. Rudberg, “On General Characteristics of Metallic Alloys,”Pogg. Ann., 18, 240–249 (1830) in German. (Intro; Experimental)
2. 1898Cha: M.G. Charpy, “Equilibrium Diagram of Ternary Bi−Pb−Sn System,”Compt. Rend., 126, 1569–1573 (1898) in French. (Intro; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram).
3. 02She: E.S. Shepherd, “Alloys of Bi, Pb and Sn,”J. Phys. Chem., 6, 519–553 (1902). (Intro, Ternary System; Experimental)
4. 29Isi: T. Isihara, “On the Abnormal Change in Volume of the Ternary System of Bi, Pb and Sn,”Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 18, 715–725 (1929). (Ternary System; Experimental)
5. 31Sol: D. Solomon and W. Morris-Janes “An X-Ray Investigation of the Lead-Bismuth and the Tin-Bismuth Alloys,”Philos. Mag., 11, 1090–1103 (1931). (Intro; Experimental)