1. I. A. Arshavskii, In book: Oxygen Therapy and Oxygen Lack. [in Russian] Kiev, p. 184 (1952).
2. N. N. Beller, Transactions of the Naval medical Academy, Leningrad, Vol. 55, p. 315 (1956).
3. E. M. Val'ter, Zh. po rannemu det. vozrastu, Vol. 13, No. 2 (1933), p. 69.
4. M. E. Vasilenko, The Role of the Thyroid Gland in the Complex Reflex Mechanism of Hypoxemic Erythrocytosis. Candidates dissertation. Leningrad (1953).
5. L. S. Gorozhanin, In book: Collected Scientific Works of the Ivanovskii Medical Institute, No. 12, p. 73 (1957).