1. Z. S. Dontsova, Theses from the Reports on Sectional Conferences of the Ninth Congress of the All-Union Org. of Physiologists, Biochemists, and Pharmacologists [in Russian],1, Moscow-Minsk (1959), p. 191.
2. Z. S. Dontsova, Byull. éksper. biol., No. 7 (1960), p. 21.
3. Z. S. Dontsova and A. E. Koropova, Byull. éksper. biol., No. 12 (1961), p. 13.
4. V. M. Karasik, Works on the Third All-Union Congress of Physiologists [in Russian], Leningrad (1928), p. 262.
5. A. T. Karyukina, In the book: Questions in Shock and Terminal Conditions [in Russian], Voronezh (1958), p. 97.