1. Yu. V. Gabel, Heterocyclic Compounds [in Russian], GKhI, Leningrad, Moscow, 1941.
2. A. P. Orekhov, The Chemistry of the Alkaloids [in Russian], Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1955.
3. Yu. K. Yur'ev, Conversions of Oxygen-containing Heterocycles into Heterocycles with Other Heteroatoms and into Hydrocarbons [in Russian], izd. MGU, Moscow, 1945.
4. Yu. K. Yur'ev, Uch. zap. MGU. 175, 159. 1956.
5. Yu. K. Yur'ev and K. Yu. Novitskii, Uch. zap. MGU, 151, 199, 1951.