1. V. M. Glushkov, “Some problems of computer engineering and related mathematical problems,” Ukr. Mat. Zhurn., No. 4, 369–376 (1957).
2. V. M. Glushkov, N. M. Grishchenko, and A. A. Stognii, “Algorithm for the recognition of meaningful sentences,” in: Principles of Construction of Self-Learning Systems [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Kyiv (1962), pp. 19–26.
3. V. M. Glushkov, Synthesis of Digital Automata [in Russian], Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1962).
4. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%98%D0%A0 .
5. V. M. Glushkov, V. G. Bodnarchuk, T. A. Grinchenko, et al., “ANALITIK (algebraic language for the description of computing processes with the use of analytic transformations,” Kibernetika, No. 3, 102–134 (1971).