1. Businger, J. A.: 1973, ?Turbulent Transfer in the Atmospheric Surface Layer?, Workshop on Micrometeorology, (D. Haugen, Ed.) American Meteorological Society, 67?98.
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3. Fairall, C. W. and Markson, R.: 1979, ?Aircraft Measurements of Micro-meteorological Parameters at Panama City, Florida in 1978?, Nav. Postgrad. Sch. Technical Report. Copies can be obtained by writing to the Authors or to the Defense Documentation Center.
4. Frisch, A. S. and Ochs, G. R.: 1975, ?A Note on the Behavior of the Temperature Structure Parameter in a Convective Layer Capped by a Marine Inversion?, J. Appl. Meteorol. 14, 415?419.
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