1. Kirsch, G., “Die Theorie der Elasticitat und die Bedurfnisse der Festigkeitlehre,”Z. Ver. deut. Ing.,32 797–807 (1898).
2. Howland, R. C. J., “On the Stress in the Neighborhood of a Circular Hole in a Strip Under Tension,”Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Series A.,229,49–86 (1930).
3. Lekhnitskii, S. G., Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Elastic Body, P. Fern, Trans., J. J. Brandstatter, Eded. Holden-Day Inc., San Francisco, 1963.
4. Savin G. N. Stress Concentrations Around Holes, Pergamon Press (1961); also, Stress Distributions Around Holes, NASA Report TTF-607, English trans. of Raspredeleniye Napryazheniy Okolo Otversity, Naukova Dumka Press, Kiev (1968).
5. Lackman, L. M. and Ault. R. M., “Mollifying Stress Fields by Using Filamantary Composite Materials,” Advances in Structural Composites, SAMPE,12 (October 1967).