1. H. W. Maynor, Jr., B. R. Barrett, and R. E. Swift, WADCTech. Rep. 54-109, Project No. 7351, March (1955).
2. P. Kofstad, Report from Central Inst. for Industrial Research, Blindern, Oslo, to WADC, ASTIA Document No. Ad 130779 (1957).
3. K. Hauffe,Oxidation of Metals (Plenum, New York, 1965), pp. 14ff, 221.
4. O. Kubaschewski and B. E. Hopkins,Oxidation of Metals and Alloys (Butterworths, London, 1962), pp. 90ff, 117ff.
5. J. S. Anderson and A. S. Khan,J. Less-Common Met. 22, 219 (1970).