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2. Haake, F.: Quantum signatures of chaos. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1991
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4. Chaos and quantum physics, Les Houches 1989, Giannoni, M.-J., Voros, A., Zinn-Justin, J. (eds.). Amsterdam: North-Holland 1991; Quantum chaos, Trieste 1990, Cerdeira, H.A., Ramaswamy, R., Gutzwiller, M.C., Casati, G. (eds.). Singapore: World Scientific 1991; Quantum chaos ? quantum measurement, Copenhagen 1991, Cvitanovi?, P., Percival, I., Wirzba, A. (eds.). Dordrecht: Kluver 1992; Quantum non-integrability, Feng, D.H., Yuan, J.-M. (eds.). Singapore: World Scientific 1992
5. Pechukas, P.: Phys. Rev. Lett.51, 943 (1983); Berry, M.V.: Ann. Phys. (N.Y.)131, 163 (1984); Berry, M.V., Tabor, M.: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A356, 375 (1972); Bohigas, O., Giannoni, M.J., Schmit, C.: Phys. Rev. Lett.52, 1 (1984); Berry, M.V., Robnik, M.: J. Phys. A17, 2413 (1984)