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2. J.F. Scott and C.A. Paz de Araujo,Science 246, 1400 (1989); M. Sayer and K. Sreenivas,Science 247, 1056 (1990); G.H. Haertling,J. of Vac. Sci. and Techn. 9, 414 (dy1991).
3. S. Sinharoy, H. Buhay, D.R. Lampe and M.H. Francombe,J. of Vac. Sci. and Techn. A10, 1554 (1992).
4. J.T. Evans and R.D. Womack,IEEE J. of Solid State Circuits 23, 1171 (1988).
5. S.K. Dey and R. Zuleeg,Ferroelectrics 108, 37 (1990).