1. Alexander, R. R., D. Tackle, & W. G. Dahms. 1967. Site indexes for lodgepole pine with corrections for stand density: Methodology. U. S. For. Serv. Res. Paper RM-29. pp. 18.
2. Anderson, M. L. 1961. The Selection of Tree Species. An Ecological Basis of Site Classification for Conditions Found in Great Britain and Ireland. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. 2nd ed. pp. 154.
3. Anon. 1927. The theory of forest types. Indian For.53: 251–260.
4. Arnborg, T. 1945. (Schedule of the Forest Types of Northern Sweden). Svenska Skogsf. Forlag, Stockholm. pp. 18.
5. Arnborg, T. 1950. The North Swedish Forest Site Classification. Transl. by Forest Res. Div., Forestry Branch, Ottawa, Can. pp. 18.