1. R. Kadison and J. Ringrose, Commun. Math. Phys.,4, 32 (1967).
2. A. V. Bulinskii, Abstracts of Papers at the 8th All-Union Conference on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Uzhgorod, January, 1971 [in Russian], Kiev (1971), p. 15; Teor. Mat. Fiz.,8, 328 (1971).
3. A. V. Bulinskii, ibid. Abstracts of Papers at the 8th All-Union Conference on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Uzhgorod, January, 1971 [in Russian], Kiev (1971), p. 12.
4. R. Kadison, Commun. Math. Phys.,4, 258 (1967).
5. N. Dunford and J. T. Schwartz, Linear Operators, I, Interscience, New York (1958).