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2. E. Bornemann and K. Wagenmann, “The Electric Conductivity of Alloys in Liquid State,”Ferrum, II, 276–282 (1913) in German. (Experimental)
3. O. Bauer and M. Hansen, “The Influence of Third Elements on the Constitution of Brass,”Mitteilungen der deutschen Materialprufungs-anstalten, Sonderheft IX, 3–22 (1929) in German. (Experimental)
4. W. Guertler and W. Leitgebel, “From the Earth to the MetalWorkshop,” Leipzig, 391,(1929) in German. (Experimental)
5. S. Briesemeister, “The Miscibility Gap in the System Pb-Cu and Pb-Cu-Sn,”Z. Metallkd., 23, 225–230 (1931) in German. (Experimental)