1. H. Fredricksson, “The Transition from Peritectic to Eutectic Reaction in Iron Base Alloys,”Int. Conf. Solidification and Casting, Sheffield Metall. Eng. Assoc, Sheffield, 1977, 25 (1977). (Experimental; #)
2. A.Z. Menshikov and A.Y. Teplykh, “Magnetic Constitutional Diagram of y-FeNiCr Alloys,”Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 44(6), 1215–1221 (1977) in Russian; TR:Phys. Met. Metallogr., 44(6), 78–84 (1977). (Experimental; #)
3. B. Uhrenius, “A Compendium of Ternary Iron Base Phase Diagrams,”Hardenability Concepts with Applications to Steel, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 28–81 (1977). (Review; #)
4. H. Probst, K.H. Geiger, and E. Munstermann, “Simultaneous Measurement of the Partial Pressures of the Component Metals and their Evaluation in the System Fe-Ni-Cr,”Z. Metallkd., 70(12), 798–801 (1979). (Experimental)
5. T. Chart, F. Putland, and A. Dinsdale, “Calculated Phase Equilibria for the Cr-Fe-Ni-Si System—I. Ternary Equilibria,”Calphad, 4(1), 27–46 (1980). (Review; #)