1. For some recent reviews see Ferraro, J.R., Maroni, V.A.: Preprint. Appl. Spectrosc. (submitted for publication), Thomsen, C., Cardona, M.: In: Physical properties of high-temperature superconductors. Ginsberg, D.M. (ed.), p. 409. Singapore: World Scientific 1989
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3. See for example the articles in the Series: Vibrational spectra and structure. Durig, J.R. (ed.) Amsterdam: Elsevier as well as articles in Spectrochim. Acta, A35 (1979)
4. For a recent discussion on the vibrational spectra of layered materials see Nakashima, S., Hangyo, M., Mitsuishi, A.: In: Vibrational spectra and structure. Durig, J.R. (ed.), Vol. 14, p. 305. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1981
5. Kress, W., Schroder, U., Prade, J., Kulkarni, A.D., De Wette, F.W.: Phys. Rev. B38, 2906 (1988)