1. For bibliography, see R.F. Tylecote and J.F. Merkel, “Experimental Smelting Techniques: Achievements and Future,” Fumaces and Smelting Technology in Antiquity,ed. P.T. Craddock and M.J. Hughes (London: British Museum, Occasional Paper no. 48,1985), pp. 3–20.
2. J.F. Render, “Natural Draft Furnaces,” Archeomat., 2 (1987), pp.47–58;J.F. Render, “Pressure Drop in Air Flow through Beds of Charcoal,” Archeomat., 4 (1990), pp. 105-109.
3. J.W. Gilles, “Versuchsschmelze in Einen Vorgeschichtlichen Rennofen,” Stahl und Eisen,78(1958),pp.l690–1695;R.F. Tylecote, J. Austin and A. Wraith, “The Mechanism of the Bloomery Process in Shaft Furnaces,” journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 209 (1971), pp. 342-363.
4. References to the primary literature on this industry can be found in E.M. Nosek, “The Polish Smelting Experiments in Furnaces with Slag Pits,” Furnaces and Smelting Technology in Antiquity ed. P.T. Craddock and M.J. Hughes (London: British Museum, Occasional Paper no. 48,1985), pp. 165–178.
5. M.D. Prerdergast,“A New FurnaceTypefromtheDarwendale Dam Basin,” Rhodesian Prehistory, 7 (1975), pp. 16–20. For radiocarbon dates, see M.D. Prendergast, “Iron Age Settlement and EconomyinPart of the Southern ZambezianHighveld,” So. Afr.Arch. Bull, 34 (1979), pp. 111-119.