1. Anon (1956). Annual Report of the Department of Veterinary Services, Vol. II, Tanganyika Territory 1956.
2. Anon (1963). Annual Report of the Veterinary Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Wildlife, Tanganyika 1963, Government Printer, Dar-es-Salaam. p 22.
3. Connor, R. J. (1983). Report on the Veterinary Investigation Centre, Naliendele, Mtwara, Tanzania. ODA, UK.
4. Ford, J. (1964).Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa,12, 307–320.
5. Hendy, C. R. C. &Athumani, J. G. M. (1982). Village Herd Development and Performance in Mtwara Region. Mtwara/Lindi Regional Integrated Development Project. Mtwara Regional Development Director's Office Report.