1. Research Reactor Core Conversion from the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium to the Use of Low Enriched Uranium Fuels, Guidebook Addendum, Heavy Water Moderator Reactors, IAEA-TECDOC-233, Vienna, August 1980.
2. S.J. Zinkle, G.S. Was, Acta Mater. 61, 735–758 (2013)
3. D.R. Olander, Fundamental Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements (Technical Information Center, Springfield, 1976)
4. K.H. Eckelmeyer, ASM Handbook. Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Special Purpose Materials, vol. 2 (American Society of Metals, Materials Park, 1990)
5. B.R.T. Frost, Nuclear Fuel Elements—Design, Fabrication and Performance, 1st edn. (Pergamon Press Inc, Oxford, 1982)