1. K. Mukherjee, in “Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Engineering”, edited by Michael Bever (Pergamon Press, New York, 1986), p. 4368.
2. J. Perkins,ibid.in “ p. 4365.
3. C. Wayman, in “Physical Metallurgy”, edited by R. Cahn and P. Haaser (North-Holland Physics, Amsterdam, 1983) p. 1031.
4. L. Kaufman andM. Cohen, in “Progress in Metal Physics”, vol. 7, edited by B. Chalmers and R. King (Pergamon Press, New York, 1958), p. 165.
5. H. Tong andC. Wayman,Acta. Metall. 22 (1974) 887.