1. Martin Luthers Werke: kritische Gesammtausgabe (Weimarer Ausgabe, WA)
2. The American English Edition: Luther’s Works (1957–1686). Pelikan J and Lehmann HT (eds) Muhlenberg Pr, Philadelphia. (LW, 55 vols); (1515–1516) Römervorlesung, WA 56—Lectures on Romans, LW 25; (1519–20) De captivitate Babylonica ecclesiae, WA 6—The Babylonian Captivity, LW 36; (1520) Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen, W 37—The Freedom of a Christian, LW 31; (1523) Von Weltlicher Obrichkeit, WA 11—Temporal Authority, LW 51; (1524) Predigten und Schriften, WA 15—LW15; (1531) Galatervorlesung, WA 40.I—Lectures on Galatians, LW 26
3. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works in English, Fortress Pr, Minneapolis, MN. (1996) vol 2: Act and being; (2003) vol 4: Discipleship; (2008) vol 6: Ethics; (2010) vol 8: Letters and Papers from Prison; (2012) vol 11: Ecumenical, academic, and pastoral work: 1931–1932
4. Barth K (1961) Church dogmatics: the doctrine of creation part 4, vol 3. T&T Clark, London
5. Bayer O (2017) Living by faith justification and sanctification. Fortress Press, Lanham