1. Stradins, J.P., Theodor Grotthuss, Moscow: Nauka, 1966.
2. Stradins, J.P., Izv. Akad. Nauk Latv. SSR, 1958, no. 6, pp. 135–144.
3. Stradins, J.P., Tr. Inst. Istor. Estestvozn. Tekh. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 39, pp. 49–65.
4. Stradins, J.P., in Iz istorii estestvoznaniya i tekhniki Pribaltiki (Essays on the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Baltic Region), 1972, vol. 4, pp. 15–35.
5. Stradins, J.P., Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Gillespie, Ch.S., Ed., New York: Ch. Scribner’s Sons, 1981, vol. 5, pp. 558–559.