1. N. F. Wood: “Three-Pronged Attack on Die Sinking Problems”,Machine and Tool Blue Book, November 1973, p. 87.
2. C.T. Post: “The Strong Link That Ties CAD to CAM”,Iron Age, August 22, 1977, p. 29.
3. K.G. Dawson: “Meeting the Diesinker’s Challenge of the Future”,Precision Metal, February 1980, p. 17.
4. N. Akgerman: “Design and Manufacture of Forging Dies: Computer Aided Methods”, SME Technical Paper, MF 72–531, 1972.
5. T.L. Subramanian and T. Altan: “Application of Computer Aided Techniques to Precision Closed-Die Forging”,Annals of CIRP, November 1, 1978, vol. 27, p. 123.