1. Profile 2002-Professor Emeritus Juro Wada, M.D., Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy. 2001; 110: 1–16.
2. Abe T, Malik AB, O'Kane H, Geha A, Baue AE. Effect of isoproterenol and I-norepinephrine on function, coronary flow and O2 consumption of the intact left ventricle. Surgery 1972; 74: 562–9.
3. Abe T, Malik AB, O'Kane H, Geha AS. Effects of induced high cholesterol state upon normal and hypertrophied rabbit hearts. Jpn Circ J 1978; 42: 1025–31.
4. Abe T, Morishita K, Tsukamoto M, Tanaka T, Komatsu S. Mid-term surgical results after valve replacement with the CarboMedics valve prosthesis. Surg Today Jpn J Surg 1995; 25: 226–32.
5. Abe T, Urita R, Mawatari T, Komatsu S. Cardiac myxomas: Results of 32 years experience and recurrence. Ann Thorac and Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 1: 31–4.